Joseph King of Dreams

VIDEO: 5 powerful Bible revelations from Joseph’s Story

Joseph’s story which has been told multiple times is worth mentioning once again because of the relevant principles we find in it. 

It’s the story of Joseph, the king of dreams, who was sold as a slave by his jealous brothers to the Egyptians. After Joseph faces many hardships, God opens a door for him, and he becomes second in command after Pharaoh. Because of Joseph, God was able to save the entire nation of Egypt from dying of starvation. 

Here’s what we can learn from Joseph’s journey:

God is the one who opens opportunities

“The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.”

Genesis 40: 23

The cupbearer and Joseph crossed paths during Joseph’s time in jail. Soon after the cupbearer got out of jail, he forgot about Joseph. But we see that after two years, Pharaoh had a dream that only Joseph was able to interpret – because God was with Joseph. 

It was God who gave Joseph the revelation. 

Let’s keep in mind that this story is not about how Joseph came out of jail, it’s about God knowing what was to come and how he protected an entire generation from dying of hunger. God used Joseph to save the people of his generation. That’s the reason he made a way for Joseph, so others would benefit from the food he gathered. 

The reason Joseph was able to give all the glory to God was because the circumstances he had been through humbled him, and he knew that if something good turned out of it, it would only be because of God. 

Joseph understood his assignment was higher than himself. He was placed second in command over all of Egypt, and his high-authority position was to help others.

Genesis 50:20 says, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

God’s timing is perfect

“When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream: He was standing by the Nile,”

Genesis 41:1

So much for feeling forgotten. The Bible says two years had passed when suddenly Pharaoh had a dream. 

A pattern we see in the bible and continue to do so is that time does not limit God. While we worry about running out of time, God’s perfect plans don’t have a deadline. We’re on his timing, just like Joseph was. 

He spent two whole years in prison after the cupbearer got out. Joseph may have worried that another year had passed without hearing from the cupbearer or may have felt as if he had been in jail far too long. 

By this time, He probably thought that the dreams he once had as a young boy were just that – a dream, but God kept him in jail to prepare him for what was next.

Soon Joseph would be in charge of planning and gathering food for the entire nation of Egypt. 

Let’s remember that when it’s time for God to intervene, He will do it and nothing blocks Him from doing it, even if it’s two years longer than we anticipated. 

Genesis 41:46 says “Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout Egypt.”

God’s instructions are always clear

“Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, ‘The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do.’”

Genesis 41:25

When we read the way God gave Joseph an interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream, we see that Joseph goes in great detail over the 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine that will soon overtake the land of Egypt. But wait, those were not all the instructions.

God also gave Joseph the solution. That’s how Joseph was able to tell Pharaoh what he needed to do to keep people from dying during the years of famine. 

God gave them a way out.

They were able to see the future in order to prepare, and they were able to prepare because God was clear about what the nation needed to do to avoid starvation. Because of this, both the Egyptians and Joseph were able to experience the power of God.

God supplies in abundance

Genesis 41:49 says: “Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.”

When God provides, it’s in abundance because that’s how he provided to the nation of Egypt. During the first seven years, the earth produced abundantly. 

We’re able to see why God provided so much. This was so that Egypt would have enough food to share during the years of famine, and it’s also a reflection of God’s ability to supply. 

“and the seven years of famine began, just as Joseph had said. There was famine in all the other lands, but in the whole land of Egypt there was food.”

Genesis 41:54

God prepares for the future

Genesis 41:57 says: “And all the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe everywhere.”

God is omnipotent. He knew the future would hold years of abundance and famine, so he used an individual like Joseph to save people from starvation. 

As we reflect on God’s Word, we must have faith that just like God showed up in Joseph’s story, He will show Himself in ours. Let’s rest knowing God will open opportunities when we feel forgotten, He will show us clear instructions in his perfect timing – which means He isn’t late even if we’re getting older –  and when he shows up, it will be noticeable because He will supply in abundance. We can rest knowing that our future is in His hands.