Who we are

Him Who Loves focuses on building God’s kingdom through creative content, such as writing and video. Our goal is to bring people closer to God by spreading the Gospel. We share real-life experiences and topics that will serve as a guide to direct people to Him who loves us. In our content, we will encourage grace towards our brothers and sister knowing that we too have fallen but can get back up. We want to direct our attention to those who may be blinded by lies and walk with them toward the finish line, in order that we all may obtain an imperishable crown. 

Hebrews 12:28 “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.


We want to say “Here I am, Lord," even when our life may be messy, uncertain, and beyond perfect.


Our mission is "to worship God and receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken."


Our vision is to share our Lord’s happiness with as many people as we can.