Our Daily Declarations

As people who are saved by grace through faith, we will remember to practice the following, so we may be perfected in love and bring others to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

  • I will love my brothers and sisters


  • I will show hospitality to strangers


  • I will pray for those in prison and who are persecuted because of righteousness


  • I will pray for the mistreated and those who are suffering 


  • I will honor marriage


  • I will keep myself free from the love of money


  • I will be content with what I have


  • I will not be afraid or anxious


  • I will imitate the faith of great leaders who spoke the word of God to me


  • I will not be fooled by estranged teachings


  • I will strengthen my heart by grace


  • I will identify with Christ when I experience disgrace and persecution


  • I will look for the city that is to come, eternal life


  • I will offer God a sacrifice of praise, openly confessing his name


  • I will not forget to do good


  • I will not forget to share the gospel with others


  • I will submit to my authorities, not being a burden to them


  • I will pray for other believers

The declarations above can be found in Hebrews 13: 1-19 Our desires no longer match the desires of this world; instead, we live to be a reflection of Jesus Christ.