In a busy season, where is God?

The end of a “waiting” season doesn’t mean a perfect next chapter

The season that most of us dread is finally over, but that doesn’t mean the road ahead will be perfect. Just like “the waiting” had unpleasing moments, the next season will come with its own struggles. 

Usually, a busy season follows the end of a waiting one. God opened a door for us and it’s time to step into action. But, before we get too excited for what’s ahead, we need to remember that all the prayer and preparation we did does not guarantee a recipe for perfection. 

We can’t step ahead thinking that following God’s will equals a fantasy. It’s easy to believe that good actions bring good outcomes, especially because we’re waiting on God’s timing, but we must remember that we were not promised a life without struggles. 

The word teaches us that endurance produces character, so every season takes us one step further to maturing as Christians.

Let’s also remember that our next step is an act of obedience. We are not seeking our own glory or dreams. We are simply going where the Spirit of God leads us, and our focus is to do everything as if we’re doing it for God. So, whatever challenges lie ahead, we need to remember to never stop doing good, no matter the results. 

Growth in the next season requires work

We will be challenged by different situations. The next season will refine our character in new areas we did not see before. We wouldn’t have known our need to grow if it weren’t for this next chapter. 

During the times ahead when we feel like everything is pulling us, when it hurts or we’re tired – It’s because we’re growing. It’s stretching us. 

We may even miss the waiting season when everything was a little bit calmer. But that season is over, and this is our new reality. It’s our new race to run. Let’s run and give it all we have because this too will end. 

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.”

1 Corinthians 9:24

God is our priority always

When we’re too tired and feel unequipped for what we’re going through in this busy season. Let’s make it a priority to lean on God’s word for strength. After all, he is the one that opened this door for us. We’re walking in an answered prayer. 

Yes, this season may feel like a huge mountain to climb and may take us a while to build momentum and adjust to a new routine, but through it all God is still our source of hope.

“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah 40:31

The beauty of a busy season

While it may feel like we don’t have time to pray or seek God as we did previously because of the demands and expectations on our plate, scripture tells us that when we’re busy, we’re serving the Lord! Instead of feeling like we’re distant from God, we must know that God is as close to us as before.

Colossians 3:23-24 says “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

That’s the joy of this season. 

God did not call us to be stressed and feel rushed all the time. Even in the busyness, time can be spent wisely and abundantly. When we put God first, he can teach us how to enjoy what we’re doing and manage our time in a way that glorifies him.

Time is not ours. God is the only one that can give us time in abundance and help us work and rest efficiently. 

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Prayer to navigate a busy season

Dear God, 

Thank you because I’m walking in an answered prayer. You opened this door, so I give you all the glory and honor. I surrender this new season to you. I surrender my dreams, plans, ambitions, and even my expectations. Help me walk through this new chapter gracefully. During hard moments, help me to look to you. Help me to embrace the process of growth. Through my busyness, that I may not neglect my family and those that love me. Give me the energy to continue to cultivate and intentionally spend time with my relationships. I know that you’re in control of my time, so I surrender it to you. Allow me to be a good steward of my work. Help me to do everything as if I am doing it for you. Help me to serve you with my work. 

In the name of Jesus, Amen.