Did God forget about me?

The Unanswered Prayer: Did God forget about me?

It takes a different level of faith to trust God when we’re in the middle of – what feels like – nowhere.

It feels like nothing is moving forward in life when God’s promises and opportunities are not appearing. Every door we attempt to open, closes, which makes us wonder if God is really with us. And of course, He is, because God promises to never leave or forsake us. 

But although we know God’s truth, it feels like the opposite. 

Did God forget the promise over my life?

In fact, we know we heard from God because it’s been confirmed throughout our lives, but the timing isn’t how we pictured it, so we question God just like Sarah did. 

God had given Abraham and Sarah a promise that one day they would have a child of their own. Now, Sarah got ahead of God and told Abraham to sleep with their servant, Hagar. The result of that relationship was Ishmael.

Many times, in an attempt to move our lives forward, we act like Sarah and try to create God’s promises on our own, but God’s not imperfect. He won’t promise something that he can’t fulfill.

The truth is that God doesn’t need our help to fulfill a promise. 

Did I hear God correctly?

A delay in receiving a promise from God doesn’t mean we heard wrong from God. While it feels like we’re being let down, let’s remember God is not on our timeline.

God has his own agenda – and it’s perfect. We must accept that our schedule, deadlines, and goals in life are not better than God’s will. In fact, we must surrender our pride in thinking we have life figured out through prayer.

In the Bible, Sarah went through a phase where she got desperate to see the promise God gave her. Then, she faced unbelief because she believed that conceiving a child was just a wish; a dream that would never come true for her.

“So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, ‘After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?’”

Genesis 18:12

After so many years of waiting, Sarah laughed because of unbelief. She didn’t think a 90-year-old woman was capable of having a child. Although it’s hard to believe in something you don’t see, we can learn from Sarah’s story that even when we feel defeated, God will show up.

How will we respond after years pass, and we don’t see God’s promise? Will we respond like Sarah, or will we choose to keep believing God?

God can do the impossible

Genesis 18:13-14 says, “Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

What’s amazing is that regardless of Sarah’s feelings or Abraham’s mistakes, this did not stop God from fulfilling his promise. 

We must have faith that God will show up in our lives because He keeps His word. 

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

Hebrews 11:16

God can do the impossible and his promises are true. 

Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

Even if it feels like a promise is taking a long time, let’s keep believing. God has shown his faithfulness throughout many generations, and he will continue to do so. 

Prayer to continue believing

Dear God, 

This is so hard. I love you and believe in your promises for my life and my family’s. I know your word is true, and I trust you with my heart, but I feel weary. I want to keep believing in your promises, even when my feelings betray me, so I ask you to give me the grace to keep going. Help me put my eyes on you and not my circumstances. Activate my faith, Lord, and allow me to be able to wait on your promise. I surrender all unbelief, feelings of inadequacy, fear of the future, or confusion over my life. As I continue to walk by faith, help me to be joyful, content, and to trust you. I know you will allow me to see this promise because you are faithful. In the name of Jesus, Amen.